About Us

We are a group of community members bridging permaculture and mutual aid for food, land and communal self-management in the Phoenix metro area.

We live on stolen O’Odham and Piipaash land and our efforts are directly linked to anti-colonial struggles. As we learn the methods of ecological agriculture our efforts are to encompass the deeper Indigenous world-views of reciprocity, respect, and interrelations with all beings.

Points of Unity

Direct Democracy – We believe that all people should have an equal voice in determining our common future, and that decisions should be made by those most affected by them. We organize ourselves by using consensus-based decision making power come from the bottom up.

Social Ecology – The fate of humanity is intertwined with all other life on Earth. The domination of nature by our species is mirrored in the domination of our species by ourselves. Society cannot repair its exploitative relationship with nature until it repairs its own exploitative relationship with itself. There must be a return to and beyond, pre-colonial notions regarding land and resources. We embrace the holistic and reconstructive dimensions of Indigenous knowledge and ecological science.

Anti-Hierarchy –  We oppose all systems of domination. We fight against capitalism, patriarchy, imperialism, white supremacy, cisheteronormativity, the state and all other forms of oppression and bigotry, and lift up the voices of the most marginalized. 

Revolution from the Ground Up – Our organization seeks to transform our oppressive society through collective resistance to the destructive capitalist system, together with the creation of living alternatives. We organize for dual power in our communities by building direct democracy and mutual aid outside the state, to confront the present system while creating the future that will replace it.

Unity in Diversity – We celebrate the fullest range of human identities and experiences in our movement. Our diversity and our relationships with one another are our greatest strengths. We believe that this whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and that our interdependence and common humanity unites us. 

To join our organizing network please fill out this membership form: https://forms.gle/Kq9V52fkep6i9z8b7